Manifest Weight Loss

The Power Within

Did You Know that all the power you need to achieve Permanent Weight Loss is present within you right now?  This revelation; this truth, is the key to realizing success on this incredible journey. It’s so powerful because most people believe that what they need is out there, somewhere, or that unless this happens, or I meet this person, etc.  […]

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Decisions Drive Destiny

The definition of a decision is simply a choice, a conclusion or resolution reached after thoughtful and informed consideration.  Unfortunately, not every choice we make is a good one.  At Manifest Weight Loss, our passion is helping people make decisions which propel their lives forward.  The most important changes in your life did not come

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Manifest Weight Loss

Do I Need To Eat Organic Foods?

For most people, the short answer is, No.  We know that eating organic leads to less pesticide and antibiotic exposure, but nutritionally, they are about the same. The two main reasons I recommend Organic are not necessarily to avoid the steroids and antibiotics in meats and milk.**  I do like pesticide free produce, especially with

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Are there really foods with super powers?  Well, what would you call foods that are so power packed with vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that they aid in healing, weight loss, increased energy, and anti-aging?  I would call them, “Super!”   Much of our health and wellness depends on the foods we choose to fuel our bodies. 

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See It And Say It

There is an American business guru who holds an annual 7-Day seminar in Scotland for the first 24 people who respond to his invitation.  Cost? $20,000 dollars per person.  Some invitees have attended six times! Would you like some $20,000 dollar wisdom?  Here is one thing he shares in session 1 of the first day:

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Manifest Weight Loss

What Is Your Body Saying?

Our bodies have a voice and if we learn to listen to it, we will understand how to live a healthier and happier life. Let me share a personal story with you. I love olive oil, I crave it; don’t feel good without it and I have learned there is a reason for this. My

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Take Your Food Life Back

Many American cities remain under the siege of the pandemic. Food has become the comfort drug of choice for millions! It’s not unusual to see 50lbs weight gain in six months for some. The Good News Is That You Can Take Your Food Life Back! Draw a line in the sand and declare, “No More!”

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Manifest Weight Loss

Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

There might be a few roadblocks that are preventing you from accomplishing your weight loss goals. Three Reasons why you may not be losing weight faster- 1. Gut Health.  Your gut has a microbiome which is a collection of bacteria that helps control your digestion and can benefit your immune system. However, if the microbiome is

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